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  • Writer's pictureHeather Sultzman

Universal Design for Learning

1.     When they develop goals using the principles of UDL, what is the main thing that teachers need to keep in mind?

  • When developing goals using the principles of UDL it is important to keep in mind various methods of representation, provide learners with numerous ways to prove their knowledge, and to ensure engagement by making the lesson both challenging and personally interesting. The lesson’s goals should align with a standard. A second-grade unit on plants would focus on the ability to “observe and describe the major stages in the life cycles of a plant” (SC.2.L.16.1 - Observe and describe major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies. ( Use of various representations, formative assessment throughout the lesson, and highly engaging materials are key.

2.     Imagine that you are a second-grade teacher beginning a unit on plants. You wish to make certain that you address the three principles of UDL. Describe the instructional methods you would use to present the information, assess your students, and maintain their engagement in the subject.

  • To begin, I would assess the students’ prior knowledge and level of interest. Then I would present the information in various ways to improve the absorption of information. I would have various plants available in the classroom at various stages of growth, including growing a bean seed into a bean plant. We would watch videos showing plants growing from a seed to a fully developed plant with flowers. Students would engage in drawing, writing, verbal tasks, and games as forms of assessment. To maintain engagement, I would provide choices that the students could choose from; would they prefer to read an online article, a book, watch a video, draw a diagram, or create a comic. Additionally, we would conduct a nature walk. I would encourage students to tell me about plants they have noticed in and around their home. Lastly, as stated in the standard, the unit would include butterflies. Growing milkweed plants, attracting monarch butterflies to lay eggs, observing their caterpillars, chrysalis, and eventual new adult would be a wonderful hands-on experience. Students could then create a PowerPoint, flip book, diorama, or oral report to display their knowledge concerning the metamorphosis of the butterfly.


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