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  • Writer's pictureHeather Sultzman

AAC - The World Needs Your Voice

AAC, or Augmentative and Alternative Communication, allows students the ability to communicate when they may otherwise be restricted due to a birth defect or a disability that has occurred later in life. For our students with autism, cerebral palsy, those with ALS, or students who have suffered from TBI, the use of AAC can be life changing.

Low tech:

Using gestures is an unaided form of AAC that would assist someone with limited verbal abilities. The student who has adequate motor skills to gesture their understanding with a thumbs up, signal that they need assistance, or even communicate that they need to go to the restroom would benefit from the use of gestures.



Mid Tech

A digital communication board with visuals, such as the “Go Talk”, is a mid tech assisted AAC option that would benefit a student with down syndrome and limited communication skills. This device allows the student to communicate by touching the desired image, for instance before lunch the student could communicate what item they would like to order in the cafeteria.


High Tech

A child with ASD would benefit from the use of a high tech AAC device such as a “DynaVox”. This device allows numerous ways to communicate including the option for eye tracking. This can be a way to interact not only with the teacher, but a way to chat with fellow students. An ASD student at recess may remark to the other students about the trees, flowers, or bugs that are present. Additionally, they would be able to alert their teacher to their need for shade, water, or even a jacket.


Our world requires us to be able to be able to constantly communicate with those around us. Individuals with limited, or no, ability to do so often feel lonely, frustrated, or even invisible. Everyone deserves a voice.

I would like to invite you to watch a short film on YouTube from the TobiiDynavox company – The Power of a Voice



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