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  • Writer's pictureHeather Sultzman

Online Accessibility & AI

What are some issues for accessibility online?

  • Online accessibility can face several barriers for students with disabilities. For students with visual impairments online resources can be difficult to use due to a lack of contrast. For those unable to use a mouse or touchpad, the need for keyboard functions and shortcuts are essential to accessibility. Screen readers can bridge the gap to access online content for numerous individuals of various disabilities, assuming the website content has been properly labeled. The same applies to dictation software. Magnification software can also be of assistance to enlarge content for greater accessibility.         

What are some resources for teachers on accessibility?

  • There are several available resources through software companies that can assist teachers. Microsoft Immersive Reader, Translator, Dictation, and Live Caption are various ways to provide accessibility for our students. When using programs such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams, and Outlook we can include the use of accessibility tools to increase engagement, boost reading fluency, improve writing skills, and reduce distractions.

  • Accessibility Tools for Inclusive Learning | Microsoft Education

How can AI support teachers in making resources accessible?

  • I believe that Sal Khan’s TED talk concerning AI shed a great deal of light on how to imagine AI’s role in the classroom. Imagine having your own teaching assistant daily to help with reflection, analysis, and planning. Next, imagine your students receiving one-to-one tutoring and support tailored to their preferences and individual needs. This is the world of AI in the classroom.



Choose an AI tool and think about one way you could use this in the classroom. Discuss the tool and your idea on how you can implement it in the classroom. 


  • Writing an essay with ChatGPT would assist the student by 1st creating an outline. For example, a 6th grade student is assigned to write an essay about WWII propaganda. ChatGPT can provide an outline that allows the student to break their writing into appropriate segments. The outline provided includes a thesis statement, “This essay will explore how propaganda was used during World War II and its effects on people." Additionally, ChatGPT provides numerous examples that the student can research in greater depth. The teacher can simplify, maintain, or extend this outline to meet the needs of various learners.





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