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  • Writer's pictureHeather Sultzman


1.     What is behavior?

  • Behaviors are any number of things employed by human beings. Essentially it is the way people behave, or act in their environment. It can be influenced by the external environment and in turn triggers our internal responses and our actions.

2.     What are the four main functions of behavior? Include an example of each.

  • Sensory – Provides a physical pleasure to the participant, like eating ice cream on a warm day.

  • Escape – Provides avoidance of something undesirable, hiding in the bathtub to not do the dishes.

  • Attention – Provides interaction that gives a social payoff, singing karaoke with your friends who cheer and high five you.

  • Tangibles – Provides an item or activity that is desirable, getting more time to play video games on your tablet.

3.     What is reinforcement? Explain the difference between positive and negative reinforcement.

  • Reinforcement provides a stimulus that drives further of the same desirable behavior.

  • Negative reinforcement removes something from the environment to increase positive behavior.

4.     Provide three examples of AT that supports behavior with a one to two sentence explanation of how they can be used. Include a picture or video for each and at least three resources.

  • Class Dojo is a way to support positive behavior by assigning a point system of rewards. ClassDojo



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