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  • Writer's pictureHeather Sultzman

Selecting & Evaluating Technology

How can we best select technology for students with disabilities?

When selecting technology for students with disabilities, it is important to consider the learning objective. How will we get the student to their goal by using the least complex intervention possible. When designing a learning objective, what assistive technology will the student receive to address possible physical, sensory, communication, or cognitive limitations?


What is the SETT framework? How might this help the IEP team with AT selection?


The SETT framework plans with regards to the student, the learning environments, classroom tasks, and the tools utilized. (

Using the SETT framework when planning with the IEP team would be helpful. Designing the least complex interventions, placing accommodation, using modified curriculum or goals, using technology, and re-evaluating effectiveness would be best.

What are some resources that can be used to help with AT selection?

There are numerous checklists, graphic organizers, and of course the team of educators you work with to help access resources deemed appropriate. The text mentioned a few websites that are available resources for implementing AT in the public-school classroom.

o   www.FDLRS.prg/technology.html

Additional helpful website for teachers


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