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  • Writer's pictureHeather Sultzman

Communication & Sensory Impairments

Florida's Educational Opportunities and Assistance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing:

·       Captioned media can be a vital key when teaching to those with a hearing impairment. It allows students to understand the spoken input during a video. Often teachers create PowerPoints to accompany their lessons, any imbedded media can be accompanied by text so that the student can read along. Additionally, the text can be a printed transcript.


·       Frequency Modulated System (FM System) allows the amplification of instruction while reducing the amount of background noise. This provides less distraction and great ability to receive instruction.


·       A notetaker can be a great way to assist students, especially during a lecture course where content may be lost. As teachers move, change inflection, and vary their pace, a student with a hearing impairment can be impeded in their learning. By having a designated notetaker the student is freed up to receive more of the delivered instruction.


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